Motion Compensated Pulse Rate Estimation

Project Summary

Build a pulse rate algorithm from the given dataset containing PPG and IMU signals that is robust to motion and "confidence metric" that estimates the accuracy of their pulse rate estimate. Then apply your algorithm to a new dataset to find more clinically meaningful features.

Submission Checklist

Before you submit, check if the following have been completed:
Note: The checklist above won't save your checkmarks so do this right before you plan to submit.

Everything in the Rubric is complete.
Algorithm & Documentation for Part 1: Pulse Rate Algorithm
Passing the Unit Test
Screenshot of the Unit Test passing with error metric
Algorithm & Documentation for Part 2: Clinical Application
If you choose to work the project on your local
machine, make sure you have removed all the datasets.

Ready to Submit?

Once you have all the items above completed, you can click the submit button. Follow the directions to submit your project in one of the following ways:

  • Submit a zip file
  • Submit a Github repo

Note: If you used the Workspace/Online option, you can download the folder or use your Github as a submission.